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Weleetka Public Schools

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College and Career Resourses

To register go to the following link:

ACT Prep and Registration      Click here to visit the webpage

ACT Test Amid COVID               Click here to visit the webpage

ACT Link                                     Click here to visit the webpage

Oklahoma's Promise link:       Click here to visit the webpage Students who are in the 8-10 grade can apply for this.  After your 10th grade, you will not be eligible to apply.

  • Applicants must be Oklahoma residents, in the 8th to 10th grade, their parents income must be less than $55,000 or less per year, and the students must meet the requirements of the program.

FAFSA Information         
This is a list of questions the FAFSA application asks. Its the 2020 appliction.  We are fixing to do the 2021 for seniors application after October 1, 2020.                                

Oklahoma College Start          Click here to visit the webpage

Oklahoma Career Guide           Click here to visit the webpage

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education    Click here to visit the webpage

UCanGo2 website                       Click here to visit the webpage

Free College Grants in Oklahoma Click here to visit the webpage  **NEW to Website**


Belvin Hill Memorial Scholarship     Click here to view/download the file